How To Print New Line in Assembly Language emu8086

There are several method for printing new line in assembly Language. We will discuss about the most used one

First of all we need to declare a variable that holds the value of new line character. Then we need to keep this value in DX register and call interrupt. Have a look on the code. Here we are print character A first, then a new line and the printing character B. We know that, we have to put our value in DL register first if we want to print a single character. And then we have to call an interrupt. That's what we are doing here. But to print new line we have to keep the value of new line character in our DX register. For moving values in DX register we used LEA command here which means least effective address. After that we are calling an interrupt which prints the new line. That's it, now look at the full code, hope you will understand it.

.STACK 100h


   n_line DB 0AH,0DH,"$"   ;for new line



        MOV AX,@DATA

        MOV DS,AX

        MOV DL,'A'

        MOV AH,2

        INT 21H        ;print 'A'


        LEA DX,n_line ;lea means least effective address

        MOV AH,9

        INT 21H       ;print new line


        MOV DL,'B'

        MOV AH,2

        INT 21H        ;print 'B'



I can develop a simple game for you in python

There is also a built in method for printing a new line.

Put include'' in the top of the code. Then use 'printn' where you need
to print new line.


  1. Is there a new line character to put in a string??
    I have this string, and i want a new line character for it:
    ext_string db "part1 new line character part 2", 0

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