How to Take Hexadecimal Input and Show Output in Assembly Language emu8086

Hexadecimal Number input ,output and ADD them

Working with machine language is difficult than working with any high level languages. It does not give you anything smoothly . But if you can grab it once ,you will find interest using this.In assembly language programming it is not possible to take a  number that have more than one digit ,at once or not possible to show a  number containing more than one digit at a glance.Moreover emu8086 take everything as a character input and we have to take user input one by one character and also same for the case of printing.So it is little bit difficult to handle a  big project. Lets see a program that will take two hexadecimal numbers as user input , add them and also print their sum.

Here, First two line will take two hexadecimal numbers from 0 to F as user input and the next line will show their sum

   n_line DB 0DH,0AH,"$"   ;for printing new line

      MOV AX,@DATA        ;for moving data to data segment
      MOV DS,AX
      XOR BX,BX        ;initially BX value is equal to 0
      MOV CL,4      
      MOV AH,1         ;for taking input
      INT 21h
          CMP AL,0DH   ;compare whether the pressed key is 'ENTER' or not
          JE LINE1     ;If it is equal to 'Enter' then stop taking first value
          CMP AL,39h   ;compare the input whether it is letter or digit.39h is the ascii value of 9
          JG LETTER1
          AND AL,0FH   ;if it is digit then convert it's ascii value to real value by masking
          JMP SHIFT1
      LETTER1:          ;if it is letter then subtract 37h from it to find it's real value
          SUB AL,37H
          SHL BX,CL    ;shift bx 4 digit left for taking next value
          OR  BL,AL    ;making 'or' will add the current value with previous value
          INT 21h
          JMP INPUT1
          LEA DX,n_line
          MOV AH,9
          INT 21h
          XOR DX,DX   ;set dx value zero
          MOV AH,1
          INT 21h
      INPUT2:    ;level for taking second value as the same way talking before
          CMP AL,0DH
          JE LINE2
          CMP AL,39h
          JG LETTER2
          AND AL,0FH
          JMP SHIFT2
          SUB AL,37H
          SHL DX,CL
          OR  DL,AL
          INT 21h
          JMP INPUT2
          MOV CX,DX
          LEA DX,n_line
          MOV AH,9
          INT 21h
          MOV DH,16
          ADD BX,CX    ;add two number which are stored in bx and cs register
          JC PC1       ;if the register is overflowed then print an extra 1
      OUTPUT:            ;level for printing their sum
            CMP DH,0
            JE EXIT
            SHL BX,1
            JC P1
            JNC P0
      P1:               ;level for printing 1
        MOV DL,'1'
        MOV AH,2
        INT 21h
        SUB DH,1
        JMP OUTPUT
      P0:                 ;level for printing 0
        MOV DL,'0'
        MOV AH,2
        INT 21h
        SUB DH,1
        JMP OUTPUT
      PC1:       ;level for printing overflowed 1
        MOV DL,'1'
        MOV AH,2
        INT 21h
        JMP OUTPUT

Take two binary number from user and show them.also show the output of their sum


  1. A Hex to Octal converter and vice versa
    Explanation: The program will take in an 8-bit Hex number and convert it into its equivalent octal number




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